Thursday, June 4, 2009

Progress Report: #4

#4. Watch all of AFI's 100 best movies of all time

We started our quest to watch the AFI top 100 movies of all time list this week right at the top: #1 Movie - Citizen Kane.

This was at least the 4th time I've seen the movie and I still think it's amazing. I know it can be hard to watch, get a little slow in places, but I think that it's so clever. You can't watch it like you'd watch any movie now - first of all, you have to keep in mind that this movie is from 1941. Part of what's so intriguing about it is all the new (for the time) and interesting things they did - the way the story is told through flashbacks, the lighting, the camerawork which involved great angles and perspectives.

Here are some good reviews of the movie that provide some interesting background on the techniques used in the film, as well as the controversy that surrounded it at the time: